速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / NWF Guide to Reptiles

NWF Guide to Reptiles



檔案大小:526 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 9.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


NWF Guide to Reptiles(圖1)-速報App


From the National Wildlife Federation, America’s oldest and largest wildlife conservation education organization, comes a series of comprehensive and interactive apps that bring field guides into the 21st century.

The National Wildlife Federation Wildlife Guides will help you discover the wild animals, plants and mushrooms of North America via 50,000 pages of expert-curated content, thousands of the highest quality professional photographs, maps, and drawings, and more than 4,000 bird, mammal, insect, and amphibian sounds.

Get all the apps and carry one of the richest field guide series in your pocket wherever you go with 24/7 access at your fingertips!


This authoritative and easy-to-use guide features 259 North American reptiles — including common lizards, turtles, snakes and crocodilians — with more than 450 photographs, range maps, and more.

NWF Guide to Reptiles(圖2)-速報App

Utilizing the latest iOS technologies, you can:

• Search by name (common and scientific) using either keyboard or verbal search systems; type or speak all or part of a reptile’s name to search for its detailed account.

• Organize species alphabetically or taxonomically.

• Search by family, shape, habitat, region, color, size—or any combination.

• Touch to open any or all of the text sections and maps, and to enlarge photos.

• Take notes and upload photos to keep a digital journal of your observations and share them with family, friends, and our growing online community.

NWF Guide to Reptiles(圖3)-速報App

Each species account contains:

• description with identification details

• habitat description

• range information

• range map

• discussion of the species’ behavior and other notable characteristics

• Family and Order information

NWF Guide to Reptiles(圖4)-速報App

• photos of similar species with links to those species’ accounts

• links to additional information for every species

Other National Wildlife Federation Nature Guide apps in this series include:

Wildlife Guides

• National Wildlife Federation Guide to Birds

• National Wildlife Federation Guide to Mammals

NWF Guide to Reptiles(圖5)-速報App

• National Wildlife Federation Guide to Insects and Spiders

• National Wildlife Federation Guide to Amphibians

• National Wildlife Federation Guide to Butterflies

• National Wildlife Federation Guide to Mushrooms

Garden Guides

• National Wildlife Federation Guide to Herbs

• National Wildlife Federation Guide to Vegetables

NWF Guide to Reptiles(圖6)-速報App

© 2020 National Wildlife Federation. All rights reserved.

NWF Guide to Reptiles(圖7)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad